Global Configuration

We add a global configuration support to many components. You can define the default behavior of these components through the global configuration, which reduces redundant codes that must be written in the templates (makes your codes concise). Moreover, it supports altering the global configuration at runtime.

How to Use?#

In order to provide default configurations in certain components, please pass an object that implements the interface NzConfig through the injection token NZ_CONFIG in the root injector. For example:

import { NzConfig, NZ_CONFIG } from 'ng-zorro-antd/core/config';

const ngZorroConfig: NzConfig = {
  message: { nzTop: 120 },
  notification: { nzTop: 240 }

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [
  providers: [
    { provide: NZ_CONFIG, useValue: ngZorroConfig }
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

These global configurations would be injected and stored in a service named NzConfigService.

Provide Template Instances#

Some components accept TemplateRef<T> as a default parameter.

One of the easiest approaches is to invoke relevant functions from NzConfigService in the root component.

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  @ViewChild('nzIndicatorTpl', { static: true })
  nzIndicator!: TemplateRef<void>;

  constructor(private readonly nzConfigService: NzConfigService) {}

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.nzConfigService.set('spin', { nzIndicator: this.nzIndicator });

However, this violates the separation of concerns principle and causes codes to be bloated in the AppComponent.

To solve this, it is recommended to use a FactoryProvider instead of a ValueProvider (shown above) at the NgModule level.

// The module-level Component which contains template references.
// Exporting is required for AOT compatibility
  template: `
    <ng-template #nzIndicatorTpl>
      <span class="ant-spin-dot">
        <i nz-icon [nzType]="'loading'"></i>
export class GlobalTemplatesComponent {
  @ViewChild('nzIndicatorTpl', { static: true })
  nzIndicator!: TemplateRef<void>;

// The Factory function
const nzConfigFactory = (
  injector: Injector,
  resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver
): NzConfig => {
  const factory = resolver.resolveComponentFactory(GlobalTemplatesComponent);
  const { nzIndicator } = factory.create(injector).instance;
  return {
    spin: {

  imports: [],
  declarations: [
  providers: [
    { // The FactoryProvider
      provide: NZ_CONFIG,
      useFactory: nzConfigFactory,
      deps: [Injector, ComponentFactoryResolver]
export class AppModule {}

Overwrite inside Component#

Developers can use Dependency Injection to reset NZ_CONFIG within a particular component, which will not affect configurations outside it.

  providers: [
    // reset local NzConfigService
      provide: NZ_CONFIG,
      useValue: {
        button: {
          nzSize: 'large'

You can also use useFactory to combine the global configuration with the local configuration to take effect

Note: Change global configuration after component initialization won't affect local configuration

  providers: [
    // reset local NzConfigService
      provide: NZ_CONFIG,
      useFactory: (nzConfigService: NzConfigService) => {
        const globalConfig = nzConfigService.getConfig();
        const localConfig = {
          select: {
            nzBorderless: true
        // merge local and global config
        const mergedConfig = {
        return mergedConfig;
      // get global NzConfigService
      deps: [[new SkipSelf(), NzConfigService]]

Dynamically Change Configurations#

You can alter the global configuration of a specific component through the set method of NzConfigService. For example:

import { NzConfigService } from 'ng-zorro-antd/core/config';

  selector: 'app-change-zorro-config'
export class ChangeZorroConfigComponent {
  constructor(private nzConfigService: NzConfigService) {}

  onChangeConfig() {
    this.nzConfigService.set('button', { nzSize: 'large' })

All component instances is responsive to this configuration change (as long as they are not configured independently).

Priority of Global Configurations#

For any property that supports global configuration, the sequence of priority is based on following:

Parameters passed to a component instance (in templates or through methods like service.create > global configuration provided by the injection token NZ_CONFIG > default value in ng-zorro-antd

For example, if you want to create a NzNotification component:

  1. When you call NzNotificationService.success, you pass { nzDuration: 6000 } as the third parameter
  2. You provide { notification: { nzDuration: 5000 } } through the injection token NZ_CONFIG
  3. ng-zorro-antd has a default value of 4500

Consequently, this particular notification will be visible for 6000 milliseconds.

Check all Available Globally Configurable Parameters#

The interface NzConfig provide a complete information about all components and parameters that are globally configurable. You can also check each individual component's API for more details.